In a current climate which is often plagued by division and uncertainty, moments of true community spirit stand out like beacons of hope. Enter the Vibe Care Pantry – a humble, yet powerful initiative born out of a collective desire to support the vulnerable and foster a sense of togetherness.

There can be a true philanthropic side to the training we are involved with, and it speaks volumes when we are able to report a truly heart-warming good news story.

Behind the Vibe Care Pantry is the devoted dynamic duo, David and Louise Nahi. Pastor David and center director Louise, have dedicated themselves to bettering the lives of others through their rehabilitation program, Victory House.

Victory House is a safe and inclusive space providing rehabilitation programs which nurtures and facilitates individuals to turn their lives around, with many then entering a fulfilling role within the Vibe Care Pantry team.

Major Training, partnering with MEGT, have had the pleasure of assisting in this space with our Car2Bus program, which is funded by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training through their Workforce Connect funding.

This initiative has seen a handful of the Victory House program graduates gain their MR licenses which has been instrumental within the Vibe Care Pantry production line by enabling their staff to drive the delivery trucks and keep essential groceries accessible through each of their locations.

Many of the Victory House tenants have been previously incarcerated, had custody issues and bail conditions placed upon them, however through the incredible deep work they commit themselves to, have gained access to loved ones again, healed relationships and re-entered society as a stable and contributing member of the community.

Along with workplace skills to meet a dire shortage of truck drivers in our state, this qualification has given far more in terms of self-confidence to this co-hort. To complete a project from start to finish, has seen obvious changes to each of the student’s self-esteem.

We chatted with program facilitator and director, Louise, who explained the complexity of the fulfilment that programs like this can provide. Watch our full interview with Louise below.

Among the Car2Bus cohort were three enthusiastic participants, Benjamin, Trae and Kairo, who thoroughly enjoyed their time training with Major. Reigning from different backgrounds and experiences, all three passed their MR licenses which has enabled them to assist the Vibe Care Pantry team in the essential role of truck deliveries, ensuring each pantry outlet has enough stock to service its community and provide essentials to the most vulnerable. Watch our full chat with the boys below.

If you are interested in getting involved as a sponsor or volunteer of Vibe Care Pantry, contact the Vibe Care Pantry directly by calling  (07) 55 367575 or email

For eligibility requirements and more information on our Car2Bus program, call our experienced course advisors today on 1300 790 822.

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