Our training delivery locations cover a broad expanse of northern New South Wales, ensuring accessibility and convenience for individuals and businesses in the region.
We take pride in offering flexible training solutions that cater to various needs. Whether you’re an employer seeking on-site training for your workforce, a jobseeker looking to gain new skills through apprenticeships NSW, or an employee aiming to advance your career, our courses are designed to fit your specific goals.
We’re committed to supporting both personal and professional development throughout northern New South Wales. We strive to foster a skilled and empowered community by providing high-quality training options, including traineeship qualifications in NSW.
Moreover, we’re pleased to offer Smart and Skilled funded programs, an initiative by the New South Wales Government. This program provides eligible individuals, whether they are living or working in NSW, with an opportunity to complete qualifications that are partially subsidised by the government. The Smart and Skilled Entitlement covers a wide range of qualifications, ranging from Certificate I through to Certificate III, as well as Apprenticeships and new-entrant traineeship qualifications at all levels. This means that accessing quality education and improving your career prospects has never been more attainable in northern New South Wales. We are committed to supporting personal and professional development throughout the region, fostering a skilled and empowered community.
Ready to explore your training options in NSW? Browse our extensive selection of courses below and discover how we can help you achieve your career aspirations. We offer a wide range of programs, including traineeships in NSW, to suit your individual needs.
Courses Available
Course Type
Funding Options
Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology
Why Our Students choose to study with major
Over 10,000 students complete their training with us at Major Training... every year!
Student Pass Rate
Our students have an over 95% pass rate!
Major Training is one of the largest training organisations in QLD (and now has campuses in NSW as well!)
Years Experience in Training
Major Training has been providing courses in QLD for over 25 years.