Industry Funding

Construction Skills Queensland

Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) is an industry-funded body that supports the workforce in the building and construction industry.

What is CSQ Funding?

And how does it work?

Construction Skills Queensland is an independent, not-for-profit, industry-funded body supporting employers, workers, apprentices, trainees and career seekers in the building and construction industry.
If you’re considering upskilling in construction, you may be able to receive support from CSQ funding. Where CSQ funding doesn’t cover the full cost of the program, you will be required to contribute towards the remaining course fees.

Major is a proud recipient of Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) funding.


CSQ Funding Provider

Funding Eligibility

To be eligible for CSQ Funding, you must meet the following criteria:

An Eligible Participant for this Program
(a) an Australian or New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident; or
(b) a Participant who has the right to work and study in Australia on a VISA and has been employed in the Building and Construction Industry for a period of 6 months or more, and is
(c) an Eligible Worker in Queensland, or is
(d) an unemployed Eligible Worker who has been unemployed for a period not greater than 6 months in Queensland.

(e) an Employee of an Authority;
(f) currently enrolled and participating in a Queensland secondary school program;
(g) a contracted trainer or assessor or existing worker of an RTO;
(h) funded by an Authority or such other source for delivery of the same training being undertaken as part of this Program;
(i) funded for more than eight (8) Short Courses under this Program (either in Building Specific and/or Civil Specific) in the same program period;
(j) funded for more than three (3) high risk work (HRW) Units of Competency (excluding Asbestos Units of Competency) in the same program period;
(k) a Participant seeking a Verification of Competency.

Please note eligibility requirements below are specific to the qualifications you wish to undertake training in.

Contact our team to confirm your eligibility.

  • An Eligible Worker: Permanently employed in Queensland within the Building & Construction Industry
  • Self Employed
  • An unemployed eligible worker (unemployed for a period not greater than 6 Months who would otherwise meet the requirements of an Eligible Worker)

Find out if you are eligible for this and other funding.

Courses funded by CSQ



Course Category


Certificate IV in Building & Construction

Certificate IV in Building & Construction


Certificate IV in Civil Construction Supervison

Certificate IV in Workplace Health and Safety

Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety


Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more)

Dogman Licence

Licence to perform dogging

Erect Safe Scaffolding-Intermediate

Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding intermediate level

Erect Safe Scaffolding-Basic

Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding basic level

Slewing Crane

Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane - (C2) Up to 20 tonne

Slewing Crane

Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane - (C6) Up to 60 tonne

Slewing Crane

Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane - (C1) Up to 100 tonne

Vehicle Loading Crane

Licence to operate a vehicle loading crane (Capacity 10 metre tonnes and above)

Non-Slewing Crane

Conduct Non-Slewing Crane Operations

Rigging Licence

Licence to perform rigging basic level

Rigging Licence

Licence to perform rigging intermediate level

Test and Tag

Test and Tag

Restricted Electrical Course

Restricted Electrical Licence

Confined Space

Enter and work in confined spaces

First Aid Certificate

Provide First Aid and Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Telehandler Certificate

Conduct Telescopic Materials Handler Operations

Safe Working at Heights

Work Safely at Heights

Backhoe Ticket

Conduct Backhoe/ Loader Operations

Bobcat/SkidSteer licence

Conduct Civil Construction Skid Steer Loader Operations

Dozer Ticket

Conduct Civil Construction Dozer Operations

Dump Truck

Conduct Rigid Haul Truck Operations

Excavator Ticket

Conduct Civil Construction Excavator Operations

Front end loader ticket

Conduct Civil Construction Wheeled Front End Loader Operations

Roller Ticket

Conduct Roller Operations

Grader Ticket

Conduct Civil Construction Grader Operations

Cert III In Scaffolding

Certificate III In Scaffolding

Erect Safe Scaffolding- Advanced

Licence to Erect, Alter and Dismantle Scaffolding - Advanced

CSQ Funding Amounts

Short Courses

Short courses are individual competencies and skillsets designed for workers wanting to update their skills and knowledge, meet compliance requirements, get a license, or diversify their skills.

The CSQ Short Courses program provides funding to assist with upskilling and cross-skilling workers in the building and construction industry throughout Queensland.

This contract ends on the 30th September 2025.

View our Short Courses 

Eligible Participants can only undertake 8 units of competency in total under the Short Courses Program (which includes both Building and Civil).
Within the 8 units of competency, the following limits also apply:

  • Participants can only undertake 3 High-Risk Work Licences as per the below
  • Participants can only undertake 3 Mobile Plant Units as per the below
CPCCCM2012 Work safely at heights $300.00 $35.00
CPCCLDG3001 Licence to perform dogging $964.00 $531.00
CPCCLHS3001 Licence to operate a personnel and materials hoist $938.00 $857.00
CPCCLRG3001 Licence to perform rigging basic level $1,249.00 $746.00
CPCCLRG3002 Licence to perform rigging intermediate level $1,307.00 $588.00
CPCCLRG4001 Licence to perform rigging advanced level $1,068.00 POA
CPCCLSF2001 Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding basic level $928.00 $767.00
CPCCLSF3001 Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding intermediate level $1,022.00 $873.00
CPCCLSF4001 Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding advanced level $985.00 POA
HLTAID011 Provide first aid $108.00 $65.00
TLID3035 Operate a boom type elevating work platform $326.00 $9.00
TLILIC0005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 meters or more) $528.00 $267.00
TLILIC0018 Licence to operate a non-slewing mobile crane (greater than 3 tonnes capacity) $1,250.00 $545.00
TLILIC0020 Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane (over 100 tonnes) $1,610.00 POA
TLILIC0021 Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane (up to 100 tonnes) $1,610.00 POA
TLILIC0022 Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane (up to 20 tonnes) $1,418.00 $577.00
TLILIC0023 Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane (up to 60 tonnes) $1,402.00 $793.00
TLILIC0024 Licence to operate a vehicle loading crane (capacity 10 metre tonnes and above) $1,159.00 $636.00
UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace $240.00 $250.00
UEERL0001 Attach cords and plugs to electrical equipment for connection to a single phase 230 Volt supply $242.00 $250.00
UEERL0002 Attach cords, cables and plugs to electrical equipment for connection to 1000 Va.c. or 1500 Vd.c. $262.00 $250.00
UEERL0003 Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies $303.00 $250.00
UEERL0004 Disconnect – reconnect electrical equipment connected to low voltage (LV) installation wiring $304.00 $250.00
UEERL0005 Locate and rectify faults in low voltage (LV) electrical equipment using set procedures $304.00 $250.00

Eligible Participants can only undertake 8 units of competency in total under the Short Courses Program (which includes both Building and Civil).
Within the 8 units of competency, the following limits also apply:

  • Participants can only undertake 3 High-Risk Work Licences as per the below
  • Participants can only undertake 3 Mobile Plant Units as per the below
RIICCM202E Identify, locate and protect underground services $227.00 POA
RIIHAN301E Operate elevating work platform $266.00 $34.00
RIIHAN308F Load and unload plant $266.00 $50.00
RIIHAN309F Conduct telescopic materials handler operations (Telehandler) $540.00 $195.00
RIIWHS202E Enter and work in confined spaces $300.00 $35.00
RIIWHS204E Work safely at heights $225.00 $110.00

(Max of 3 Machinery Tickets)

RIIMPO317F Conduct roller operations $500.00 $150.00
RIIMPO318F Conduct civil construction skid steer loader operations $505.00 $150.00
RIIMPO319E Conduct backhoe/loader operations $505.00 $150.00
RIIMPO320F Conduct civil construction excavator operations $505.00 $150.00
RIIMPO321F Conduct civil construction wheeled front end loader operations $505.00 $150.00
RIIMPO323E Conduct civil construction dozer operations $505.00 $150.00
RIIMPO324F Conduct civil construction grader operations $505.00 $150.00
RIIMPO326E Conduct water vehicle operations $455.00 $1,010.00
RIIMPO337E Conduct articulated haul truck operations $569.00 $1,476.00
RIIMPO338E Conduct rigid haul truck operations $569.00 $2,266.00
RIIMPO325E Conduct civil construction scraper operations $505.00 POA

Eligible Participants can only undertake one (1) Higher qualification in total across the Program (which includes both Building and Civil).

  • 50% of the qualification must be trained and assessed.
  • Participants must not be undertaking a CSQ SAGT program in the same contract term.
  • Last Enrolment Date of 31 July 2025 & Trained out by 28 February 2026

Eligible Participants can only undertake one (1) Higher qualification in total across the Program (which includes both Building and Civil).

  • 50% of the qualification must be trained and assessed.
  • Participants must not be undertaking a CSQ SAGT program in the same contract term.
  • Last Enrolment Date of 31 July 2025 & Trained out by 28 February 2026
CSQ Amount Funded Gap Fee
RII40720 Certificate IV in Civil Construction $4,388 $250 Learn More

Higher Qualifications

The Higher Qualifications program was designed to be used when you’re interested to move into a higher-level role in general or civil construction.

The Higher Qualifications program through CSQ provides nationally accredited qualifications ranging from a Certificate IV up to a Diploma level.

The last end enrolment date is 31st July 2025, and all training must be completed by 28th February 2026.

Learn More

About CSQ Funding

How To Apply

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to access the right choice and options for funding.

1. Check out our range of courses and take our Eligibility Quiz to find out which funding you may be eligible for.

2. Call us on 1300 790 822 to discuss what course is right for you.

3. Provide us with your Date of Birth and Full Name and we can help you with the rest!

Please note: Student fees may be paid on behalf of a student by a referring agency such as a Job Active or other employment service provider.

Useful Links

More information from Construction Skills QLD. Check out the links below:

Construction Skills QLD


Eligible for Funding?

Interested in studying a course but don't know what funding is available to you? Check your eligibility for funding options by answering a few questions here or contact us on 1300 790 822 to find out more.

