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The QLD White Card is recognised in each state / territory of Australia.
On completion of Major’s White Card course you will be issued with a QLD White Card. If you are unsure which White Card to obtain you can always discuss it with your employer or relevant work health and safety regulatory authority. Learn more about what is a White Card and how to get it.
The Queensland White Card is recognised in the following States and Territories:
- Victoria
- New South Wales
- Australian Capital Territory
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Western Australia
- Northern Territory
Queensland accepts cards issued in all States and Territories.
New South Wales
NSW accepts all interstate White Cards.
Under the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 WorkCover NSW recognises all interstate General Construction Induction Training (GIT) cards issued under corresponding Work Health and Safety legislation as well as a range of cards issued under previous arrangements.
Visit the NSW Work Health and Safety regulator page https://www.safework.nsw.gov.au/resource-library/licence-and-registrations/recognition-of-general-construction-induction-training-cards-fact-sheet for more information.
Australian Capital Territory
The ACT accepts all interstate White Cards
The Regulation recognise that a general construction induction card can be issued in different jurisdictions under their work health and safety legislation. Where a worker holds a card that is issued in a different jurisdiction to where the work is being carried out, then the card is recognised as being valid as long as it is used in accordance with the terms and conditions under which it was granted. However, this does not apply if the card has been suspended, cancelled or has expired.
If you are planning to work in ACT with a white card that was obtained online, we advise you to contact your employer or job site to confirm it will be accepted.
Visit the ACT Work Health and Safety Regulator page https://www.accesscanberra.act.gov.au/app/home/workhealthandsafety for more information
Victoria accepts all interstate White Cards.
An employer must accept recognised evidence of construction induction training (e.g. a statement of attainment or card issued under similar requirements in another Australian state or territory).
Visit the Victoria Work Health and Safety Regulator page http://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au for more information
Tasmania accepts all current and valid interstate White Cards.
Visit the Tasmania Work Health and Safety Regulator page https://www.worksafe.tas.gov.au/ for more information
South Australia
South Australia accepts all current and valid interstate White Cards.
Visit the South Australian Work Health and Safety Regulator page http://www.safework.sa.gov.au for more information.
Western Australia
Western Australia accepts all interstate White Cards.
OSH regulations recognise nationally accredited construction induction training conducted in other States and Territories. This means that workers coming from those States do not need to complete the WA course to be able to work in construction in WA, provided they can show evidence that they completed the induction training in their home State.
Visit the Western Australia Work Health and Safety regulator page http://www.commerce.wa.gov.au for more information.
Northern Territory
Northern Territory accepts all interstate White Cards.
Visit the Northern Territory Work Health and Safety Regulator page http://www.worksafe.nt.gov.au for more information.