As we are all aware COVID-19 has caused some significant disruptions and changes to business requirements and the way we run our organisations. The Australian and Queensland Governments are continuing to offer support in managing this pandemic and ensuring all businesses are compliant with a “COVID safe plan”.
Major Training Group are excited to be able to offer an accredited and subsidised training option, through the Infection Control Skill Set for the Transport and Logistics industries (HLTSS00067 – Infection Control Skillset (Transport and Logistics skillset)
As a proud Queensland Government Skills Assure Provider, Major Training Group is approved to provide quality training and skills for your Employees now and in the future. The Infection Control Skill Set is available for immediate enrolments and can be provided through the below Unit of Competency HLTINFCOV001 – Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures.
This unit has been created and designed to provide Employees with the skills and knowledge required to keep a safe and healthy workplace, including implementing standard and transmission-based precautions and responding to infection risks. See for detailed information.
This Skill Set is offered as a subsidised program under the Queensland VET Investment Program, with no student contribution fee required. Eligibility requirements do apply. It’s available to enrol now and to commence online immediately.
Fill out the contact us form for more information