Open Day Re-Cap



What a day! A tradies Day!

On Friday the 14th, Major Training opened its doors to give future students and clients a glimpse into our wide range of programs on offer, check out our state of the art facilities and the chance to roll up their sleeves to try a trade for the day at our northern Gold Coast site in Yatala.

Visitors enjoyed a free sausage sizzle whilst they perused our vendor stands, kicked up some dust playing on the earth moving machinery in our DirtBox, and mapped out their pathway options with our career advisors.

A big shout out to all of the participants in our #itsamajorthing campaign who received a tuition voucher and of course to our lucky raffle winners Sharon Dugdell & Levi Bailey who each walked away with a Dirtbox voucher for them and a mate to come back for a full session of fun on our earthmoving equipment.

Overall, the open day was an outstanding success, allowing families, students and employers alike to familiarise themselves with the huge scope of what’s on offer here at our Yatala site. We are thrilled at the turnout and have been left inspired by meeting so many eager future students ready to kick start or progress in their career.

If you missed out and are interested in what we have to offer at Major, please visit here to speak with one of our helpful course advisors.

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